Company check
This service checks whether a company has an AML risk, if it has any identified hits and other information on the company.
Please contact Mark ID sales team for a detailed price-sheet.
Callback data
The service check returns company’s data in JSON format. Overall response can be seen in the table below:
Overall response table
JSON key | Type | Explanation |
status | Object | The overall status of the service check. |
data | List | Data returned from services. |
serviceName | String | The name of the service that was used to check a company. |
serviceGroupType | String | The type of the service that was used. It is always COMPANY . |
uid | String | A unique identifier for a request. NOTE that it is unique only in one request scope. It is not unique globally. This parameter is only useful when doing multi-company checks. |
errorMessage | String | In case of an error in the checking process a human readable error message is given. |
Status table
JSON key | Type | Explanation |
serviceSuspected | Bool | Indicates whether a service found a record about the company under check. |
checkSuccessful | Bool | Indicated whether an error occurred while doing a check. |
serviceFound | Bool | Indicates whether a service was found for a given country. |
serviceUsed | Bool | Indicated whether a service was used. |
overallStatus | String | A mapping string indicating overall status of the check. Possible values: DATA_ERROR Supplied data for fraud check is malformed therefore a check can not be performed SUSPECTED Fraud API results were found for given person therefore check is suspected NOT_SUSPECTED Fraud API results were not found therefore the check is not suspected INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error on our side SERVICE_NOT_FOUND Could not find a suitable fraud API for supplied data CHECK_FAILED The called API did not return a successful response or response was malformed |
Example response
"status": {
"serviceSuspected": true,
"serviceUsed": true,
"serviceFound": true,
"checkSuccessful": true,
"overallStatus": "SUSPECTED"
"serviceName": "CompanyCheck",
"serviceGroupType": "COMPANY",
"errorMessage": null,
"data": [
"result": {
"Name": "My Company",
"Residence": "LT",
"CompanyHasHits": "true",
"ScoreAml": "0",
"RiskAml": "L",
"RiskElements": [
"RiskName": "RiskAml",
"Explanation": "The AML risk for this company is LOW"
"RiskName": "CompanyHasHits",
"Explanation": "The company's name is similar to names on sanctions' lists. Please check if the hits apply to the company."
"HitsOnLists": [
"Name": "My Company",
"Forename": "UNKNOWN",
"Reason": "reason",
"Nationality": "Unknown",
"BirthDate": "UNKNOWN",
"HitType": "Sanction",
"ListNumber": "12345",
"ListName": "OFAC",
"Score": "100",
"LastUpdateDate": "2018-08-23T00:00:00",
"IsPerson": "false",
"IsActive": "true"
"CompaniesFound": []
"companyName": "My Company",
"country": "LT"